The payroll professionals

With over 15 years’ experience as a payroll company, we know how important payroll is to the smooth running of a business.

Our payroll system works for any type of business – trade, retail, professional and rural. We deliver a user-friendly, con­fidential and efficient service for businesses, and the price per payroll period is all-inclusive so there are no unexpected ‘extras’. We keep track of holiday and sick leave, including regular audits to ensure compliance with the Holidays Act.

Outsourcing payroll – you’ll like it!

  • We take care of your payroll, so you and your staff can concentrate on your core business
  • Systems that make it easy for you
  • Tracking of holiday and sick leave
  • PAYE, KiwiSaver and other compulsory deductions, compliance and ­filing taken care of
  • Expertise in human resources and employment legislation to help answer any tricky questions about payroll matters
  • Professional documentation, reporting and interaction with your employees that adds value to you as an employer

At People in Mind, PaySauce is our preferred payroll software. We also work with a number of other payroll packages, and will ensure you have the right software for your payroll needs.