If you are like me, you’re probably thinking the world seems to be rather preoccupied with Covid-19 right now. Quite frankly I’m in need of something a little more light-hearted and that’s where the HR bucket list comes in.
Like lots of people, I have a bucket list for all the fun adventures I‘ve never tried before. It’s got me thinking, why not a bucket list for HR? The origins of the ‘bucket list’ might seem slightly morbid, but the idea is great, and it fits into any stage of your working life.
I’ve started working on my list and I think it will end up being a combination of short, medium and long-term things I want to achieve in HR. Some I can see are easily achievable and some are ridiculously aspirational!
Writing a not-so politically correct book about my HR adventures is fairly high on my HR bucket list. And one of the ridiculously aspirational things on my list is to have a chauffeur. I have long dreamed of having my own driver. I’m not imagining a chauffeur-driven limo, just the driver will do. After years of driving myself to interviews, appointments and meetings, it would be pure bliss to be dropped at the door just in time for the appointment, and then picked up afterwards. No parking worries; no traffic stresses; I could work in the car on the way to meetings just like important people do!
Have you got an HR bucket list? In need of some inspiration to help get started? I have canvassed some of my employer friends and also scoured the internet for some great starter ideas:
- Interview a famous person for a job
- Blind candidate selection
- Fill your company with talented individuals
- Create a healthy work environment
- Do an experiment with (almost) real time performance management
- Have a week/a month/a year without any formal meetings
- Be part of a think tank
- Start a side-business
- Pay it forward to a future business owner
These are just a few ideas. The thing about a bucket list is that it’s personal to you and what you want. It’s not to impress others or to be full of totally impossible tasks – it’s about having something to inspire you from an HR perspective.
I am having a lot of fun writing my list. If you decide to give it a go, I hope you enjoy creating your list too!